Sorry to say that i''ve been lost in blogging this recent weeks. Well, im very busy with my life right now. Lots of homeworks and never ending projects. I didn't tell you last time that I finished reading harry potter series. Yes! I finished it cover to cover. Well, i read HP7 electronically, meaning, i read the e-book of it on my Chinese N6300. Even it is just the imitation, the function is still there. At last. I finished watching a anime series, for the first time. Well, it is Ouran HIgh School HOst club. It's some kind of funny and dramatic anime. I am shocked when someone told me that it is only the half of the manga. While for now, I downloaded some of the manga so I can continue the story. I'm starting reding the manga of A thousand years of Snow and Bakuman from the maker of Ouran and DEath Note, respectively. Well, that's for now. Sore ja!
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