It's been a long time for being back at my blog. I'm so busy right now at my course. Lots of project. What's new from me? Here it is:
+I'm watching Death Note right now. I will finish the anime series first before the Live. It is super cool. I like the killing effect. "WE ARE KIRA"...
+ I also watched the first season of Nodamile COntabile so that's why I'm getting back to the instrument era again. Of course GURAANDO PIYANO-desu (just the electric LOL)
+I'm starting to love ECE, I dont' like it before...
+ I'm still don't like our social studies right now which is SOCIOLOGY, I always get bored...
+ I finally learned the Chemistry subject because it is needed...
+ I play O2mania which is an Offline version of O2Jam, I only have a couple of songs. Also Stepmania but without the dancepod. I'm starting to find it...
+ I make a morph of me and Inuzuka Kiba of Naruto, I will show it to you in my next post which is I don't know when...
+ As usual, I play Cabal but I'm starting to quit it, then I will find it's offline version and also Ragnarok Offline... I wish I can find it.
+ I will audition our school's choir and will sing some Sway from Michael Buble. I hope it fits my voice.
+ At last, I can do the chords (e.g. C, Cm, Cb, C#, CM, etc.,,,
Well, it is our NSTP tomorrow. We will do some walk bla-bla for RED CROSS. I only make some little assignment now and Little practice of Piano. I can play the 1/4 part of Fur ELise of Ludwig Van Beethoven and the right hand of Memory of Mother from Tiny Sugar. I want to play CAnon piano solo but I can't find the music sheet.
OK, that's for now. Starting today, I will update my blog every weekend and every wednesday.
Hope I can catch you at my Y.M. when I'm online. BTW, my YM is kmp_011@yahoo.com PM me. Thanks... HArhar