My very first three days in my school (Technological University of the Philippines-MAnila) is kind of tiring. We met our teacher in less than ten minutes. WE waited some teacher but they did not came. We're just wasting our time but we get to know each other in those times . But I'm very excited in every subject we attended. But now (thursday) , we've got the wrong room for our social studies. Instead in the front of Social studies department, we went to College of Architect and Fine Arts(?). We waited there for almost three hours for nothing. We only know about our room in SS1 when we went to our next subject Filipino 1. Maybe our Prof got angry (Sorry, we didn't know). And it is not our fault in the first place, it is written in our schedule given by the Head of ECE. Just give us luck for tomorrow. By the way, Happy 110th Philippines' INdependence Day. MAbuhay ang mga Pilipino. MAbuhay ang TUPians... Ahoo ahoo ahoo. Ikuse!
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