Saturday, June 28, 2008

The most-awaited Layout!!

yataaaaa!!!hehehe...at last!!! I finished it!!! so this season is Inuzuka Kiba and Akamaru!!! This layout is made especially to my oniichan and my bestfriend...Hiroshi-kun! Oniichan, I hope you will like this...and my apologies if it took me so much time...I have been busy recently...anyway thank you for entrusting your blog.^__^ If you have complaints, just tell me ok?! I won't be mad or anything...this is your blog after all...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Needles Sucks!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008
I'm craving...
Typhoon strikes our NSTP-CWTS...

Yoshi! Thanks Franco, because of you we don't need to attend our NSTP on Sunday. I wish classes will resume tomorrow because I really like our P.E. subject. And I wish there are no classes on tuesday because I don't really like the subjects on Tuesday. Expecially the teacher in hmmm... (Joke!!!) Thanks GOD power supply is back.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The Good News & The Bad News....

Konnichiwa, Oniichan!! oh...you're sick...I hope you will get better soon...anyways...I've got two news for you....let's start with the good news....well...I'm working with the layout and it's almost finished I just hope you will like it...because it's very simple...and the BAD news...I think your adds on your footer will no longer be there once I changed your layout. there's no space for that so maybe I'll just put it in the sidebar...is that ok with you? I'll try to retain all the original things that are written in your sidebar plus the moving pics, the links and everything....that's all.tnx for trusting your layout to me...^__^ If you will not like it, just tell me and I promise that I will return everything to its original form...hehe...I hope I can..sore ja, mata ne!! I hope I can visit you during sem break...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Fever Mania...

I have a sad news for all of you... I'm sick but not that worst. I've got some cold and slight fever. I take medicine for 2 days but still it's not working. The worst part is when I sneeze its disgusting. I hope nobody will notice me. I wish tomorrow I'll be fine. I guess I'm the one who distributed the virus. MY other classmate with low resistance has been infected by my virus. I call it the KEvin Sipon Virus. Bwahaha... We also have our Freshmen Orientation. They oriented us (malamang!) and know a lot of INfo about our school. I hate(?) the sponsor which is SOS and Fitrum because hmmm... Ok. Ja, matta ne!!! I dont know if the picture is related. Maybe because I ate noodles a while ago.. HIhi
Thursday, June 12, 2008
First Day High!

My very first three days in my school (Technological University of the Philippines-MAnila) is kind of tiring. We met our teacher in less than ten minutes. WE waited some teacher but they did not came. We're just wasting our time but we get to know each other in those times . But I'm very excited in every subject we attended. But now (thursday) , we've got the wrong room for our social studies. Instead in the front of Social studies department, we went to College of Architect and Fine Arts(?). We waited there for almost three hours for nothing. We only know about our room in SS1 when we went to our next subject Filipino 1. Maybe our Prof got angry (Sorry, we didn't know). And it is not our fault in the first place, it is written in our schedule given by the Head of ECE. Just give us luck for tomorrow. By the way, Happy 110th Philippines' INdependence Day. MAbuhay ang mga Pilipino. MAbuhay ang TUPians... Ahoo ahoo ahoo. Ikuse!
My very first Bwestfwend. (^_^)

Ohhhh. On June 3,2008, I had my very first female bestfriend: MIYUKI... We also make it official. One of the members of JERK. My Otaku-mate. JUst like in the Anime Miyuki Lucky star, she is a thoughtful tomodachi. She is an avid fan of Shirota Yuu or whatever it is. That's for now. I just wait for my male bestfriend. I'm planning to have a boy and girl bestfriend. But whatever comes, it is only OK for me.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Layout suggestion...take 2!!!