I read the manga so I know what will happen to the anime. And now I know the big difference between the manga and anime. In anime I can feel the fight scene and the background music really gets into me. In manga, I got bored reading and reading though I get updated first than to non-manga readers. So I decided not to read the manga and stick to the anime. Even though I'm not updated.
Back to the storyline. 2nd release of Ulquiorra is so cool that I want to cosplay it. But it is going to be expensive and I have to build up some muscle so I can match with half-naked costume of Ulquiorra. The wings and the hand/feet part are also difficult to made. With Ichigo's "ultimate release without mercy", it's cool considering the outer bone part and the long hair. Poor Ulquiorra.
I like the new ending song "Stay Beautiful" by Diggy-Mo. I'm planning to make a version of it but I give up. The rap part is really fast that I can't follow it. The MV of Bleach of this is cool to. The Bleach characters are dressed up as normal people. I wish the anime will make an arc that all the characters become ordinary and lost all their powers but it became it was only Kon's dream. Poor Kon.
I am so excited by the battle of the number 2 espada old man to Soi Fong. I love how the battle ends...
That's it. I wonder when will Bleach, One Piece and Naruto end. Speaking of One Piece, I'm planning to start watching the anime from the first episode. Good luck to me I have hundreds of episode to go... Ja ne!